"All trail-access decisions are political decisions"

The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public lands through the electoral and legislative processes.
The TPAC tactical goal is to target key races using state-of-the art real-time analysis where there is a tough election and the pro-access candidate needs some extra support to help to defeat their opponent.
TPAC is needed to counter the anti-access special interests in Washington DC who have long ago figured that contributing to closure-oriented politicians is how they will accomplish their goal of restricting OHV access on federal lands.
TPAC is ready to stand in that political breach to stop the flow of anti-access politicians into the Capital. TPAC will work hard to reverse that trend so that pro-access legislators will exist as the majority in Congress and the White House.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


When Senator George Allen was in prior office (109th Congress), he was listed as a “Champion of Private Property Rights” by the League of Private Property Voters (LPPV).  LPPV is an organization that promotes public access and multiple-use of federal lands.

During that same time-period, then Governor Tim Kaine (Allen’s rival for the open VA senate seat on November 6) filed a petition with the federal government for them to set aside almost 25% of scarce Forest Service lands as “Clinton-era Roadless Areas.”  Those 400,000 acres would be locked-up in the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests.

The Trail PAC will be supporting the George Allen for Senate campaign in this election as one of our key targeted senate races.  Allen will need our support because the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) has targeted him for defeat.  As you know, LCV has a voting review committee comprised of hard-core anti-OHV groups including the Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund and The Wilderness Society. 

TPAC believes this election is critical for trail voters and is committed to helping ensure the trail community is effectively engaged and represented in the election process.

Please DONATE ($5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or more) today!

Thanks for your support!

Don Amador
The Trail PAC

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