"All trail-access decisions are political decisions"

The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public lands through the electoral and legislative processes.
The TPAC tactical goal is to target key races using state-of-the art real-time analysis where there is a tough election and the pro-access candidate needs some extra support to help to defeat their opponent.
TPAC is needed to counter the anti-access special interests in Washington DC who have long ago figured that contributing to closure-oriented politicians is how they will accomplish their goal of restricting OHV access on federal lands.
TPAC is ready to stand in that political breach to stop the flow of anti-access politicians into the Capital. TPAC will work hard to reverse that trend so that pro-access legislators will exist as the majority in Congress and the White House.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fake Outdoor Group Trying to Throw MT Senate Race

Over the last several years, extreme environmental organizations have created fake outdoor recreation or OHV groups to mask their anti-access agenda in various Forest Service and BLM travel planning processes.   So it should come as no surprise that proxies for Green Super PACs and enviro-activists have created a faux group called the Montana Hunters and Anglers Leadership Fund. 

According to the Fairfield Sun Times, this fake group just purchased $500K in TV ads to try and sabotage the campaign of Denny Rehberg who is a TPAC targeted key senate race.  A must win if we are going to elect a pro-trail majority to the U.S. Senate.

Oct. 30 Fairfield Sun Times Article on Fake Outdoor Group

TPAC wanted to bring trail voters this breaking news and is asking you to stay vigilant during the few days until Nov. 6.  Dirty tricks from extreme green groups are nothing new.  Be assured that TPAC will be monitoring and lending support to our targeted key Senate and House races until Election Day.

Donate $25 - $5000 to STOP the assault on family oriented OHV recreation and our candidates

Get involved now and help make a difference on Nov. 6.  Don’t let fake outdoor groups steal this election.

Thanks for your continued support!


Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Guns, Regulations, and Special Trails

With just a dozen days left until November 6, TPAC believes that “excessive regulation” has replaced the ”gun issue” as a deciding factor in this election.  Many political experts believe that Al Gore’s harsh anti-gun stance cost him the election in the 2000 presidential race against George Bush.

Over-regulation at the EPA, Department of Interior, and other agencies has been a major topic throughout the primary and presidential debates.  Those regulations are impacting energy development – including the reduction of permits issued - on public lands.   It’s not just energy permits that have been reduced or made complex over the last 4 years… the Department of Interior is threatening the issuance of OHV permits due to a myriad of baseless concerns about the impacts that motorized events might have on the Sage Grouse and other species.

The Forest Service has also complicated it recreation permitting process for OHV events.  On another access issue, the Forest Service has proposed to basically close ALL sand trails in the forested areas of the Oregon Dunes. TPAC believes a pro-trail and pro-regulatory reform Congress and White House would review and amend those regulations to reduce their impact on family-oriented recreational use of federal lands.

Green PACs are going full-bore until Nov. 6 and so should TPAC and our trail voters.  TPAC believes that “every trail is a special trail” and we should do everything we can to make sure those special routes remain open for future generations.

Thanks also to the following donors who stepped up to the plate and hit a homer this last week.

TRAIL CHAMPION -$200 or more
Steve – Reno, NV - $200
Bill – Grants Pass, OR - $200

TRAIL BOSS - $100 or more
Mike – Denver, CO - $100
Gary – Boise, ID - $100
Jody - North Bend, OR - $100



Thanks for your continued support of the fight. 

Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

TPAC Endorses Romney/Ryan Ticket



CONTACT:  Don Amador, Founder
EMAIL:  info@thetrailpac.com
PHONE: (925) 301-5439
DATE: October 16, 2012
WEBSITE: www.thetrailpac.com


                                                         FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT


     NORTH BETHESDA, MD (Oct. 16) - The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) is announcing today its strong endorsement of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President of the United States.   TPAC was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public and private lands through the electoral and legislative processes.

     Early in President Barack Obama’s term he showed his passion for burdensome federal regulations when he appointed extreme leaders from the environment movement such as Carol Browner to be Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change.  Browner was former head of the EPA during the Clinton-era.   

     Lisa Jackson was appointed to head the EPA and Nancy Sutley as chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.  

     On the other hand, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have regulatory reform of the EPA and other federal agencies as a key plank in their platform.  A president Romney would require congressional approval of all new “major” regulations and reform the legal liability system to prevent spurious litigation.

     Don Amador, Founder of the Trail Political Action Committee, states, “The OHV community is being continually bombarded with new federal rules and regulations that impact our ability to enjoy family-oriented motorized recreation on public and private lands.  The Obama Administration has shown no substantive interest in scaling back their politically motivated regulatory agenda on lands managed by the U.S Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.”

     “Trail voters believe there is one clear choice in this election.  If you want to see the White House address tort reform and support personal freedoms which include the responsible recreational use of our public lands then you and your friends should vote for Romney/Ryan on November 6,” Amador concludes.

# # #

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Regulate the Federal Regulators!

As TPAC voters know, it’s both anti-trail politicians and the agency leads they appoint and/or confirm at the EPA and other cabinet level departments that can impact our recreational access to public and private lands.


TPAC is working hard to elect a pro-trail/pro-regulatory majority to the U.S. Senate.  On November 6, trail voters will help determine if the new Senate will rein in federal regulators on OHV recreation-related issues.   TPAC believes a new pro-access majority in the Senate will have a significant and immediate impact on the politically motivated regulatory agenda of the EPA and Consumer Product Safety Commission.  Those two agencies regulate both our public land access and the vehicles we use.


Tomorrow, TPAC will be announcing several new additions to our key targeted senate races.  Remember OHVers need a net gain of 4 pro-trail senators (3 if Romney/Ryan win) to get our majority.


Here are TPAC's Key Races as of October 10, 2012


U.S. Senate

Tommy Thompson (WI-Senate)
Dean Heller (NV - Senate)
Denny Rehberg (MT-Senate)
George Allen (VA- Senate)
Jeff Flake (AZ - Senate)
Heather Wilson (NM-Senate)
Rick Berg (ND-Senate)

New polling data just coming into TPAC’s war room is showing that Tom Smith is closing in on Bob Casey, Jr. in the Pennsylvania senate race.  Casey is backed by Big Green’s League of Conservation Voters and has almost a 100% score from that organization.  Smith’s regulatory reform agenda would give a big boost to public land access champions such as Senator Jim Inhofe and Senator Dean Heller.


Donate $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, up to $5000 dollars to take back the senate!


TPAC is also reviewing other highly competitive and strategic races in OH, IN, and MO.  Again, at least two key senate races will get TPAC donations tomorrow.  Just how large those donations are will depend on your support of our effort in the remaining few weeks of this election cycle.  This is YOUR chance to make a difference.


Thanks for your continued support!


Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC




Monday, October 8, 2012

Timber, Trails, and Election 2012 - Keep OHV Off ESA List

With just four weeks left in this election cycle before Nov. 6, TPAC and trail voters are entering a critical phase in our effort to elect a pro-trail and pro-EPA reform majority to the U.S. Senate and to keep our access majority in the House. 

As you know the pro-trail majority in the House of Representatives has worked hard on our behalf.  However, the anti-access majority in the U.S. Senate has stymied efforts by pro-access Senators to hold the White House, regulators, and land-agencies accountable on issues such as Forest Service Travel Management, Presidential National Monument Designations, OHV event cost-recovery reform, EPA’s politically motivated anti-OHV regulatory agenda, and taxpayer-funded environmental lawsuits.

Several decades ago, the green lobby decided to put the timber industry out-of-business on federal lands. To successfully accomplish that goal they helped elect their candidates to Congress and the White House.  Today, the federal timber program has functionally gone extinct.

Those same groups now have painted a political target on the back of the OHV community and are using the political and judicial process to accomplish a similar goal.   Our fate does not have to be the same as federal timber operators. We have the power in this election to change the political structure in Washington D.C. 


Your support is already making a difference.  Our 7 targeted key Senate candidates and 5 targeted key House races know that off-roaders are supporting and defending them as they battle their League of Conservation Voters or CREDO SuperPAC-supported opponents.


New polling data has come in which shows the FL, OH, and Connecticut senate races have become virtual ties and are contests that TPAC should be getting into.  Remember, trail voters need a net gain of four senate seats (3 senate seats if Romney/Ryan win) to achieve our goal of electing a pro-access majority to that body.


This week is fish or cut bait time for trail voters in Election 2012.  TPAC and our team of political analysts will be reviewing new polling data and races nationwide this week so that our fiscal resources can be directed to campaigns where those funds will have the most impact. 


Federal election law allows you to donate up to $5,000 dollars to TPAC to help our effort.  Don’t sit on the sidelines in this election – it’s too important.  Don’t expect other trail voters to carry the load by themselves.  Join with us in this effort to promote and protect responsible OHV recreation on public and private lands via the electoral process.


DONATE $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, up to $5000 TO KEEP OHV OFF THE ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST



Thanks for your continued support!


Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC


Friday, October 5, 2012

Join TPAC Hall of Fame and CA Voter Registration Info

Join the Trail PAC's Hall of Fame or Be a Trail Hero

Also, for CA voters... the deadline to register to vote is Oct. 22.  TPAC urges
all trail voters to make sure that all members of their OHV networks are registered
to vote.  Every Vote Counts!  Remember that some Congressional races have been
won or lost by less than 50 votes.

CA Voters Register Here Online

Thanks for being engaged in this election to protect your trail access!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

TPAC Takes on Media Bias in Week Long Social Media Event

Just a Click (LIKE) to Save Our Trails
and it's FREE 


Dear Trail Voter,
The mainstream media is working overtime to bias the news to discourage pro-trail voters in blue and battleground states in the hope that you will give up and stay home. The Trail PAC is going to counter that with the 1st ever pro-trail social media week. This national counter offensive is called OPERATION SOARING EAGLE.
Some congressional races are won or lost by less than 50 votes or just one vote per precinct. With the election just a few weeks away, it is important for trail voters to inform their Facebook friends about our targeted races and encourage them to go to the polls on November 6 and VOTE!
TPAC knows many people are busy trying to make a living and don't have time to follow political campaigns. That is why it is important for YOU to LIKE the pro-trail candidates below so your social networks throughout the country will know about these candidates and the issues.  
TPAC is not asking for any donations today. Our national counterattack is FREE. All we ask of you is to go to the following races and LIKE them. Also, feel free to share your support of the Trail PAC and these candidates with your social networks. Just those few extra votes WILL make a difference in this historic election.
ACTION ITEM: Go to all of the candidate's websites and LIKE them.  This will have a huge impact and best of all it's FREE!
Here is TPAC's list of targeted key races as of October 2, 2012
U.S. Senate
Tommy Thompson (WI-Senate)
 Dean Heller (NV - Senate)
Denny Rehberg (MT-Senate)
George Allen (VA- Senate)
Jeff Flake (AZ - Senate)
Heather Wilson (NM-Senate)
Rick Berg (ND-Senate)
U.S. House of Representatives
John Koster (WA CD-1)
Koster's Facebook page link since it was harder to find on website:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Koster-for-Congress/246070079439
 Dan Lungren (CA CD-7)
Chip Cravaack (MN CD-8)
Ricky Gill (CA CD-9)
Scott Tipton (CO-CD-3)
Thanks in advance for taking a few minutes to help save our trails via the election process.
Feel free to check back into these campaigns throughout the week to see how many of your friends are getting engaged.
Thanks also for your support of TPAC.
Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC
TPAC paid