"All trail-access decisions are political decisions"

The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public lands through the electoral and legislative processes.
The TPAC tactical goal is to target key races using state-of-the art real-time analysis where there is a tough election and the pro-access candidate needs some extra support to help to defeat their opponent.
TPAC is needed to counter the anti-access special interests in Washington DC who have long ago figured that contributing to closure-oriented politicians is how they will accomplish their goal of restricting OHV access on federal lands.
TPAC is ready to stand in that political breach to stop the flow of anti-access politicians into the Capital. TPAC will work hard to reverse that trend so that pro-access legislators will exist as the majority in Congress and the White House.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Legendary Off Road Racing Family Endorses TPAC

Legendary Off-Road Family Endorses TPAC

RIVERSIDE, CA (Aug. 10, 2016) – A premier off-road racing family and long-time champion of efforts to protect trail access on public lands endorsed The Trail PAC (TPAC) today.  Malcolm Smith, President of Malcolm Smith Motorsports, and his son, Alexander Smith, General Manager of Malcolm Smith Motorsports, in Riverside California, issued a joint endorsement of TPAC’s effort to elect pro-trail candidates to Congress.

Malcolm Smith, an off-road racing legend, states, "My friends, customers, and racing/riding buddies know that my life, career, and family life have centered on my love of trail riding in the great outdoors.  It has been a cherished blessing and is something I want to make sure is around for my children and future generations.”

“Over the years, I have seen thousands of miles of trails closed in Southern California and other places.  Trail enthusiasts have to be involved in the fight to keep trails open for responsible OHV recreation.  Off-road voters must support candidates that will champion access to public lands,” Smith continues.

"Both Alexander and myself have appreciated the work that TPAC has been doing over the last two election cycles to help elect pro-trail candidates to the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.  We are proud to endorse the efforts of TPAC in 2016 to help elect politicians who will support our right to ride on designated roads, trails, and areas," Smith concludes.

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The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public lands through the electoral and legislative processes.

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