"All trail-access decisions are political decisions"

The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public lands through the electoral and legislative processes.
The TPAC tactical goal is to target key races using state-of-the art real-time analysis where there is a tough election and the pro-access candidate needs some extra support to help to defeat their opponent.
TPAC is needed to counter the anti-access special interests in Washington DC who have long ago figured that contributing to closure-oriented politicians is how they will accomplish their goal of restricting OHV access on federal lands.
TPAC is ready to stand in that political breach to stop the flow of anti-access politicians into the Capital. TPAC will work hard to reverse that trend so that pro-access legislators will exist as the majority in Congress and the White House.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Greens Blister Access Candidates

TPAC wants to send this short update on the presidential race regarding the recent attacks on Governor Romney by one of the most active anti-OHV groups in the country and that organization is the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

PEER’s “OHV Policy” lead is Karen Schambach.  She has been the green’s point person on a majority of the anti-OHV lawsuits filed in the West included a lawsuit PEER filed to close the Carnegie State OHV Park in the S.F. Bay Area (a suit  they just lost and had to pay their own $500 thousand dollar legal debt).  Schambach was also the driving force behind the California legislature’s plan to gut the state’s user-pay/user benefit OHV program.

TPAC is warning you and our candidates that this will be an extremely ugly political season where far-left green groups will blister and smear pro-trail candidates with such names as “Member of the Dirty Dozen” or “Eco-thug” like they did to former Congressman Richard Pombo, Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee.

TPAC hopes you will get out on the trail this summer with your family and enjoy the access to public lands that we are fighting for through the election process.

Donate $25, $50, $100, $200, $500 today to help us defend our candidates against the green smear machine

Happy Trails,

Don Amador, Founder

The Trail PAC

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

House Vote to Restore OHV Access in NC

For several months, TPAC has highlighted a number of House bills that address OHV access to Forest Service lands and/or address overzealous EPA regulations that will restrict motorized activities on public roads and trails.  Many of those proposals are being blocked in the U.S.  Senate by Harry Reid (D-NV).
This week, the House is expected to vote on Jeff Denham’s H.R 2578 - the Conservation and Economic Growth Act.  While Denham’s (R-Turlock) bipartisan legislative package deals mostly with water storage issues, it also contains H.R. 4094 (Jones , R– NC) that overrides an OHV closure order by the National Park Service and restores OHV access to Cape Hatteras in North Carolina.

The Preserving Access to Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area Act would protect jobs and small businesses by restoring OHV access to that Park Service Unit.
For the first time in national politics we have House members who are aggressively championing legislation that challenges the overzealous trail closure agenda of many federal agencies.   This fact only lends credence to TPAC’s goal this election cycle of helping to vote in pro-trail senate candidates who will then vote to replace the senate’s “Stall Chief” (Harry Reid) with a majority leader who will allow votes and/or oversight hearings on public land access issues.

TPAC really needs your fiscal support now as we have key races (and some new ones) that need our continued support.   To help TPAC stay in the game, please make a generous donation today:

Donate $50, $100, $200, $500, $1000, or $5000 today.

Thanks in advance for your continued support!


Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

VA Primary Today Important to Off-Road Voters



DATE: June 12, 2012
CONTACT: Don Amador
EMAIL:  info@thetrailpac.com
PHONE: 925.301.5439


WASHINGTON D.C. –  Outdoor recreation access interests are watching to see if George Allen wins the primary to face Tim Kaine in the November general election.    

When Senator George Allen was in prior office (109th Congress), he was listed as a “Champion of Private Property Rights” by the League of Private Property Voters.

During that same time-period, then Governor Tim Kaine filed a petition with the federal government for them to set aside almost 25% of scarce multiple-use Forest Service lands as “Clinton-era Roadless Areas” on 400,000 acres in the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests.

Don Amador, Founder of The Trail PAC, states, “Off-roaders will continue to support the George Allen for Senate campaign in this election as one of our key targeted senate races.  Allen will need our support because the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) has targeted him for defeat.  As you know, LCV has a voting review committee comprised of hard-core anti-OHV groups including the Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund and The Wilderness Society.”

“TPAC believes this election is critical for trail voters and is committed to helping ensure the trail community is effectively engaged and represented in the election process,” Amador concludes.

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The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public lands through the electoral and legislative processes.

Friday, June 1, 2012


As CA, MT, NJ, NM, and SD hold their Primaries next week on June 5, TPAC wants to remind folks to not only vote/support your pro-access congressional candidates but  vote for your local and state candidates as well.  Often times these folks move from one elected body to another leaving a voting record you can review.
For example in CA yesterday, Assemblyman Jared Huffman (D-Petaluma) voted in a budget committee to gut the CA OHV Grants program that supports  FS, BLM, and county OHV parks such as Metcalf Cycle Park near San Jose.  However, he is termed out of his state office and is now running for the House of Representatives in a congressional district that has number of federal OHV areas.  The very same areas he voted to defund while a state representative.

State Senator Joe Simitian (D- Palo Alto) who championed the plan to defund the CA OHV program is also termed out of his state office and is now running for county supervisor near one of the county parks he voted to defund.

TPAC is once again strongly urging trail voters to cast ballots for those in all offices who will support our sport and access to public lands.  Become an army of one and network with your fellow riders regarding this election.  As you can see in CA, it DOES matter who you vote for.

To help TPAC at the federal level, please donate today at:

Now – GO VOTE and forward this email on to your riding network.


Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC