TPAC wants to send this short update on the presidential
race regarding the recent attacks on Governor Romney by one of the most active
anti-OHV groups in the country and that organization is the Public Employees
for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).
PEER’s “OHV Policy” lead is Karen Schambach. She has been the green’s point person on a
majority of the anti-OHV lawsuits filed in the West included a lawsuit PEER
filed to close the Carnegie State OHV Park in the S.F. Bay Area (a suit they just lost and had to pay their own $500
thousand dollar legal debt). Schambach
was also the driving force behind the California legislature’s plan to gut the state’s
user-pay/user benefit OHV program.
TPAC is warning you and our candidates that this will be
an extremely ugly political season where far-left green groups will blister and
smear pro-trail candidates with such names as “Member of the Dirty Dozen” or “Eco-thug”
like they did to former Congressman Richard Pombo, Chairman of the House
Natural Resources Committee.
TPAC hopes you will get out on the trail this summer with
your family and enjoy the access to public lands that we are fighting for
through the election process.
Donate $25, $50, $100, $200, $500 today to help us defend
our candidates against the green smear machine
Happy Trails,
Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC