As you know, TPAC is focused like a laser in 2012 to help elect a pro-trail and pro-EPA/regulatory reform majority to the U.S. Senate. The ongoing “dust” issue at the Nellis Dunes Recreation Area in Nevada makes the election of pro-access candidates in that state and other regions of critical importance in this election cycle.
BLM Dust Study/OHV Impacts at Nellis Dunes Recreation Area
Excessive overregulation of recreational activity throughout this country has resulted in the closure of thousands of miles of public access routes. That threat will only get worse unless you act.
With your help, TPAC will work hard to elect pro-trail candidates to Congress with a particular focus on the Nevada senate race and 7-8 other key senate races.
Donate to TPAC via PayPal here:
Hard copy mail in form:
Thanks for your support.
Don Amador
The Trail PAC