"All trail-access decisions are political decisions"

The Trail Political Action Committee (TPAC) was founded as the first national non-partisan political action committee dedicated solely to championing responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on designated roads, trails, and areas on public lands through the electoral and legislative processes.
The TPAC tactical goal is to target key races using state-of-the art real-time analysis where there is a tough election and the pro-access candidate needs some extra support to help to defeat their opponent.
TPAC is needed to counter the anti-access special interests in Washington DC who have long ago figured that contributing to closure-oriented politicians is how they will accomplish their goal of restricting OHV access on federal lands.
TPAC is ready to stand in that political breach to stop the flow of anti-access politicians into the Capital. TPAC will work hard to reverse that trend so that pro-access legislators will exist as the majority in Congress and the White House.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thank You

TPAC wants to send you a heartfelt THANK YOU for your support through the 2012 election cycle.

Your support helped elect several pro-trail candidates to the U.S. Senate in AZ and NV.   You reelected Scott Tipton (CO-CD3) who was in a very tough fight in a battleground state.  You helped Andy Barr ( KY-CD6) defeat the anti-trail incumbent.  

You were the counterweight for our targeted races against the smear campaigns waged by the League of Conservation Voters, Earth Justice, Earth First!, and the Sierra Club.  

You have constructed a strong foundation for TPAC.  Using that momentum, trail voters will be effectively engaged in future elections at the federal level.

There is always a “political itch” in a 2nd Presidential term.   That itch will be scratched by trail voters in the 2014 midterm (House/Senate) elections. 

TPAC also believes the outcome of this election places additional responsibility on trail voters to be actively engaged in non-election efforts to promote and protect responsible OHV recreation.   That work includes robust participation in the public process/administrative process related to federal land agency planning efforts.  OHVers should also continue working with other stakeholder groups such as county supervisors, outdoor groups, and mainstream conservation organizations.

Thanks again for your support and dedication to this effort.   It is appreciated more than you can ever know.

Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Predictions - Voters are Tired of Being Tired

TPAC’s Election Day prediction is that you will elect a pro-trail/pro-regulatory reform President, a pro-trail majority in the U.S. Senate, and retain the pro-trail majority in the House of Representatives.

Your energy and enthusiasm are fueled by the fact that you are tired of being tired.   OHVers are tired of having the Forest Service ignore public input during the travel planning process.   We are tired of having to pay $150 dollars to fill up our ¾ ton diesel pickup on the way up to our favorite riding area.  We are tired of the EPA and other federal regulators creating new and politically motivated regulations that impact our access to roads and trails.

Other voting blocks are tired too.   Coal miners in the battleground states are tired of federal regulators implementing plans to put them out of business.   Gun owners in those same states are tired of new proposals by the administration to impact their 2nd Amendment rights.   Churches are tired of having the federal government impose rules and regulations that violate their religious beliefs.  Family breadwinners are tired of worrying about losing their job.  Parents are tired of their college kids being forced to move back home after graduating because there are no post-graduation jobs.

TPAC believes trail-voters will know by early Wednesday morning who our next President and Senate Majority leader are.   TPAC also believes there will be one or two “surprise” states in the West who will go for our candidates.   Those two states are OR and NV.

You can now see that being “tired” is a huge motivator and it will be the deciding factor in this election.

As results come in tonight watch to see how many of our key targeted races win.   Now go out and vote Pro-Trail!


President and Vice-President of the United States

Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan

U.S. Senate

Richard Mourdock (IN-Senate)
Tom Smith (PA - Senate)
Josh Mandel (OH-Senate)
Tommy Thompson (WI-Senate)
Dean Heller (NV - Senate)
Denny Rehberg (MT-Senate)
George Allen (VA- Senate)
Jeff Flake (AZ - Senate)
Heather Wilson (NM-Senate)
Rick Berg (ND-Senate)


U.S. House of Representatives


Andy Barr (KY CD-6)
John Koster (WA CD-1)
Dan Lungren (CA CD-7)
Chip Cravaack (MN CD-8)
Ricky Gill (CA CD-9)
Scott Tipton (CO-CD-3)

Thanks for voting to protect your FREEDOM to enjoy OHV recreation on public and private lands.

Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC





Sunday, November 4, 2012

ACTION ALERT - No-Trail vs. Pro-Trail on Nov. 6

With just two days until trail voters go to the polls, TPAC believes we are still in a dead heat in most, if not all, of our key targeted White House, Senate, and House races.  Dozens of OHV clubs in various states are working hard right now to make sure their members vote for our trail candidates.  However, they need those of you who have not engaged your OHV networks to send out a personal note to your contacts urging them to go and vote PRO-TRAIL on Nov. 6.

Virtually all of TPAC’s key targeted and/or endorsed races are in battleground and/or swing states.   Our candidates continue to get pummeled by huge ad campaigns and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts funded by extreme elements of the environmental movement.    For example, left-wing activists have chartered bus-loads of protesters from the S.F Bay Area into Sacramento to try and defeat our trail champion Dan Lungren (CA –CD7).


President and Vice-President of the United States

 Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan

U.S. Senate

Tom Smith (PA-Senate)
Richard Mourdock (IN-Senate)
Josh Mandel (OH-Senate)
Tommy Thompson (WI-Senate)
Dean Heller (NV - Senate)
Denny Rehberg (MT-Senate)
George Allen (VA- Senate)
Jeff Flake (AZ - Senate)
Heather Wilson (NM-Senate)
Rick Berg (ND-Senate)

U.S. House of Representatives

Andy Barr (KY CD-6)
John Koster (WA CD-1)
Dan Lungren (CA CD-7)
Chip Cravaack (MN CD-8)
Ricky Gill (CA CD-9)
Scott Tipton (CO-CD-3)

Take nothing for granted.  Fire up your computer’s email list and get on your FACEBOOK page and urge your friends and riding buddies to make sure they vote PRO-TRAIL on Nov. 6.   There are two very different political paths that face each one of us in two days.  We still have time to have a positive impact on this election.  Your effort WILL make a difference.

Stay vigilant and continue to work hard  – your FREEDOM to enjoy OHV recreation on public and private lands depends on it!


Don Amador, Founder
The Trail PAC
PS - Stay tuned for more updates and/or breaking news over the next 3 days.